About Us

The Mississippi Coast Audubon Society (MCAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society, covering Mississippi’s six coastal counties – Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, George, Stone, and Pearl River.  Explore our website to learn about Mississippi birds and habitats, see our field trip schedule, and find out what we do and how to join us.  For day-to-day news and events, see our Facebook page.  We welcome new members and guests!

History & Mission

Mississippi Coast Audubon Society (MCAS) was chartered in 1976 by a group led by birder and writer Judith Toups. Judy recognized the need to establish a Least Tern habitat and to promote and protect this fragile beach-nesting species (thus our logo “Nest in Peace”). We have been involved in education, conservation, and protection of our natural resources in southern Mississippi ever since. By partnering with other agencies, we try to promote an awareness and concern for habitats by engaging the public in various activities along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Our chapter strives to promote interest, enjoyment, and understanding through education of all aspects of our natural and urban environment. We actively encourage the protection of wildlife and the preservation and restoration of native habitats.

Our Constitution and Bylaws (PDF format) are located here.

Mississippi Ornithological Society Spring Meeting

The following information was provided by Dr. Jason Hoeksema, President of the Mississippi Ornithological Society (MOS).

First, I’m writing with a quick reminder that the MOS spring meeting will be on the Gulf Coast (centered in Hancock County) the weekend of April 26, with special guest Tom Stephenson, author of a fabulous book that many of you are likely familiar with, The Warbler Guide (link).  More information and meeting registration will be available soon, but please mark your calendar in the meantime. We really hope to see you that weekend!  Field trips will visit private property in Hancock County that is usually not open to birders, as well as the Ansley preserve, a well-known migrant trap. Our evening Saturday banquet will feature an informative talk from Tom, a great meal, and fun door prizes.

Second, the MOS board is seeking feedback from you, to learn how our semi-annual meetings could better serve you. Whether you have previously attended an MOS meeting or not, can you please complete this short survey?


Everyone who completes the survey by March 15th has a chance to win a framed print of a painting by David Sibley (see image below), which he originally created to benefit the non-profit Delta Wind Birds.