Fall 2019

For the most up-to-date information, please visit our Facebook Events page at  https://www.facebook.com/mscoastaudubon/

All are welcome on our birding field trips! Bring your own binoculars. Some trips require preregistration – see details. Others need no advance notice, but keep weather in mind. Contact field trip leaders for more information if needed. Other questions? Call (no text) (601) 909-LETE, (601) 909-5383 or at mscoastaudubon@gmail.com 

August Saturdays

8/24 Hancock County Beaches

  • Leader: Barbara Bowen, bbwilletslp@yahoo.com (602) 319-0538
  • Shorebirds and more! Including but not limited to Washington St. Pier, the new Marina, the Yacht Club and/or beaches west of Washington St. Pier – possibly forested areas north of the Yacht Club if conditions are right.
  • Place and time: Meet at Washington St. Pier in Bay St Louis (MAP), 7:30 AM.
  • Conditions:  Short beach walks with driving from site to site.

8/31 Graveline Beach, Jackson County

  • Leader: Janet Wright, jwright01@cableone.net, (228) 238-4099 and Charley Delmas
  • One of the most productive and diverse birding sites on the Audubon Coastal Bird Survey. With marsh on one side and the Mississippi Sound on the other, we get the best of both habitats. If there’s interest, we’ll check in at Mars Lake and or Graveline Boat Launch as well.
  • Place and time: Meet at the end of Beach St. south of Graveline Bay (MAP), 7:30 AM.
  • Conditions: Walking on beach, 1.5 miles. Graveline is a “natural” beach – flipflops not recommended. Bring sunscreen and water.

September Saturdays

9/7 Hiller Park and beyond, Harrison County

  • Leader: Holly Cox, holly.biloxi@gmail.com, (228) 432-8828
  • We will be looking for migrants as well as some possible rarities at several Biloxi area parks.  Starting at Hiller Park on Biloxi Back Bay, we may check other spots including Popps Ferry Causeway Park and the old Broadwater Golf Course.  Good way to learn some new birding spots if you don’t know these.
  • Place and Time:  Meet at the Hiller Park Tennis Courts (MAP) at 7:30 AM.
  • Conditions: Easy walking, drive between spots.

9/14 Hummingbird Festivals, Hancock and Jackson Counties

Satisfy your inner hummingbird at a Hummingbird Fest! There are TWO family-friendly events this date, the time-honored Diamondhead Hummingbird Festival in Hancock County (https://www.facebook.com/events/779538022439415/) and the brand new Pascagoula River Audubon Society Hummingbird and Nature Festival in Jackson County (https://www.facebook.com/events/1207941136046242/). See links for details.

9/21 Seaman Road Lagoons, Jackson County

  • Leader: Sharon Milligan, 2sharon123@gmail.com (228) 861-1622
  • One of our most popular field trip venues, not otherwise open to birders – always a great variety of birds, with good opportunities for photos. Bring your binoculars, scope, refreshments, etc.
  • Place and time: Meet at the park and ride at I-10 exit 50, Ocean Springs next to Denny’s (MAP), between 7:15 and 7:30 AM.
  • Conditions:  Slow driving with stops; some groups will walk a lot. Important: This is a working facility. You must stay with leaders while on site. Call Sharon (above) if you have questions about policy.

9/28 Bayou Caddy Fall Migration Pride Stride, Hancock County

  • Leader: Collin Stempien, cstempien@audubon.org (832) 585-9504
  • We’re joining Audubon Mississippi’s Coastal Bird Stewardship team for their “Let’s Go Birding Together” (LGBT) initiative, particularly welcoming members of the LGBTQ community and friends & supporters. Of course all our MCAS field trips welcome LGBTQ folks, but an occasional special shout-out helps emphasize the point. Binoculars provided for new birders!
  • Place and time: Meet at Silver Slipper Casino parking lot in Bay St. Louis (MAP), 8:00 AM. Walk will be followed by optional buy-your-own brunch at Mockingbird Café in Bay St. Louis.
  • Conditions: easy walking on beach.

October Saturdays (except where noted)

10/2 through 10/5 Alabama BirdFest

This is not an MCAS event, but since our trip this week is on Tuesday, we want to point you to the weekend festivities at the biggest birdfest on the Coast – trips, educational events, vendors, the works! check website at https://weeksbay.org/events/alabama-coastal-birdfest/

Tue. 10/8 Dauphin Island, Mobile Co., Alabama (NOTE: THIS IS A TUESDAY TRIP, NOT SATURDAY!)

  • Leader: Don McKee, dmckee001@gmail.com (228) 238-2473
  • The coast’s premier migrant trap, always a hotspot in fall. Top out your warbler list and take advantage of expert help.
  • Place and time: Meet at Cadillac Square, 661 Bienville Blvd, Dauphin Island, AL (MAP), 7:30-8:00 AM.
  • Conditions: Some walking, lots of observing from fixed points.

10/12 Ansley Preserve, Hancock County

  • Leader: Ned Boyajian, nedrbo@gmail.com (228) 332-1329
  • Coastal chenier migrant trap, with a history of great finds. This site is part of the Mississippi Coastal Birding Trail: more information at http://mscoastbirdingtrail.audubon.org/ansley-preserve.html
  • Place and time:  Meet at Ansley preserve parking lot (MAP), between 7:15 and 7:30 AM. (Driving directions: From Hwy 90 in Waveland, south on Lower Bay Road 71/2 miles to Heron Bay Road (34th St). Left onto Heron Bay Road ca. 2 1/2 miles to Preserve).
  • Conditions: Alternating short walks with short drives. Biting bugs may be present. Most walking areas should be dry.

10/19 Coastal Cleanup

It’s payback time! Let’s help keep our Coast birding habitats clean and welcoming. Check the Coastal Cleanup page at http://coastalcleanup.extension.msstate.edu/ to join the coastwide volunteer effort to keep our waterways free from trash. When you’re done and feeling proud of yourself, go birding!

10/26 Ship Island, Harrison County

  • Leader: Dave Reed, vickianddave1@gmail.com (985) 788-0536)
  • Join Ship Island Excursions for a trip to the barrier islands! Some of the best shorebird and water bird viewing, and quirky seasonal weather can give real birding surprises.
  • Place and time: Meet at Gulfport Harbor around 8:30 AM Ship Island Excursions dock (MAP) to board the boat which departs at 9 AM. Ship Island Excursions, Gulfport, MS Ticket prices:  Adult $32, Senior $30. http://www.msshipisland.com for more information.
  • Conditions: Birding near fort, then walking up to 5 miles on beach, but participants can opt out or shortcut at any point. Bring water and sunscreen. If there is a threat of bad weather, you can call Ship Island Excursions at 228-864-1014 for the status of the trip that day. NOTE: Alternate day Sunday, Oct 27, 2019 if cancelled due to weather

November Saturdays

11/2 Clower-Thornton Park, Harrison County

  • Leader: Nancy Madden, birdloverms@gmail.com (228) 229-7108
  • After recent restoration, Clower-Thornton is again coming into its own as a migrant stopover, with a variety of semi-wild and urbanized habitats. Nancy is a great guide for birding by ear, so come and hone your listening skills.
  • Place and time:  Meet at the parking lot (MAP) at 7:30 AM.
  • Conditions:  easy walking on paths.

11/9 Fontainebleau Birds and Botany, Jackson County

  • Leader: Mark LaSalle, mwlasalle@gmail.com, (228) 990-1495
  • Part of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, Fontainebleau offers habitats including pine savanna, bayou, and bayhead swamp. Dr. Mark LaSalle will explore the birds and plants of the season, and will tell you about the year-round series of Savanna Strolls occurring at this site.
  • Place and time: Meet at trailhead on Hanshaw Rd. Ocean Springs, N. of OS Middle School (MAP), 8:00 AM.
  • Conditions: Easy 1-mile walking trail. Boots strongly recommended after rain as parts of the trail can have standing water.

11/16 Seaman Road Lagoons, Jackson County

  • Leader: Sharon Milligan, 2sharon123@gmail.com (228) 861-1622
  • A second chance at our most popular field trip venue, not otherwise open to birders – always a great variety of birds, with good opportunities for photos. Bring your binoculars, scope, refreshments, etc.
  • Place and time: Meet at the Park and Ride at I-10 exit 50, Ocean Springs next to Denny’s (MAP), between 7:15 and 7:30 AM.
  • Conditions:  Slow driving with stops. Important: This is a working facility. You must stay with leaders while on site. Call Sharon (above) if you have questions about policy.

11/23 Pascagoula Medley, Jackson County

  • Leaders: Brian Johnston, johnston127235@bellsouth.net, (228) 806-1712; Lucy Jacobson
  • The Pascagoula area has some hidden gems for birding. We’ll start at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center (PRAC) with forest and marsh habitats, then visit 2-3 other spots according to what’s good.
  • Place and time: Meet at Pascagoula River Audubon Center parking lot in Moss Point (5107 Arthur St, MAP), 8:00 AM.
  • Conditions: Alternating short walks with short drives. NOTICE: Please bring a $5 cash donation for the PRAC portion unless you are a PRAC member – or join PRAC before coming!

11/30 Three Rivers State Forest, Leaf River, George/Greene Counties

  • Leader:  Janet Wright, jwright01@cableone.net, (228) 238-4099
  • This one is LITERALLY “over the river and through the woods,” and it’s a brand new site for MCAS.  Bring your Thanksgiving leftover guests and join us at The Mississippi Forestry Commission’s beautiful tract on the Leaf River, with wooded trails, cypress swamps and river sandbars.  It’s worth the trip! 
  • Place and time:  Meet at the parking area by Chevron on the N side of I-10 Exit 57 north of Ocean Springs (MAP1) Meet at 7:30 AM. We will caravan to the site NW of Lucedale (MAP2) from there. (PLEASE CHECK Facebook for any changes in directions, as we are counting on construction being done.)
  • Conditions: easy walking on trails.

December Saturdays

12/7 Grand Bay NERR boat trip, Jackson County

  • Leader: Mark Woodrey, Mark.Woodrey@msstate.edu (228) 697-0460
  • (Limit 15 Participants) Our focus on this boat trip will be waterfowl, shore, wading and marsh birds.  This is a great time of year for birding in the Grand Bay NERR/NWR with a high species diversity guaranteed.
  • Place and time:  12:30 PM till about 4:30 PM. Meet at the Bayou Heron boat ramp at the south end of Bayou Heron Road (MAP – same road the Grand Bay NERR office is located on). The NERR/NWR office (6005 Bayou Heron Road, Moss Point, MS) will be open from 11:45 am-12:15 pm so folks can use the restroom, fill-up water bottles, etc. You must register for this trip and there is a fee of $30 per person.  To register, contact Dr. Mark Woodrey (Mark.Woodrey@msstate.edu). First come, first served – capped at 15 participants, so sign up early!
  • Conditions: Bring along some water/drinks and snacks appropriate for the field. Rubber knee boots or other footwear you can get wet and muddy are recommended, along with a good windbreaker to stay comfortable on the boat.

12/14 Moses Pier and Biloxi Beaches, Harrison County

  • Leader: Lori McDonald, mleigh167@cableone.net, (228) 324-5226
  • Winter is prime time for shorebirds, and this is a great time to be thinking about Christmas Bird Count and honing your ID skills. Lori will start the viewing at Moses Pier and may shift along the beach for optimal sightings.  Plovers, sandpipers, terns, unusual gulls, and waders all possible, and we may get some surprises.
  • Place and time:  Jones Park Pavilion (MAP) 7:30 AM.
  • Conditions:  easy walk along beach, may drive between sites.

Got suggestions for future field trips? We’re all ears! Contact coordinator Janet Wright at mscoastaudubon@gmail.com