Summer update: We take a summer break from field trips, so come back later to look for our lineup for fall trips for 2019. You don’t have to stop birding for summer, though! To find out what birds are here in summer, click on the MS Coast Birding tab and choose “Seasonal Bird Data.” You can preview sites for birding at the Mississippi Coastal Birding Trail website, This has not been kept up to date but it’s still a good guide.
The beach colonies of nesting terns will be active until about mid-July. You can get information on where the nesting areas are this year from the Audubon Mississippi Coastal Bird Stewardship program (look for a contact name you can email).
Try visiting the Pascagoula River Audubon Center in Moss Point ( and maybe go on one of their river tours up the Pascagoula River, with good birding opportunities. Wherever you go, take binoculars, camera, your favorite bird guide and have a great time
Spring 2019
For the most up-to-date information, please visit our Facebook Events page at
All are welcome on our birding field trips! Bring your own binoculars. Some trips require preregistration – see details. Others need no advance notice, but keep weather in mind. Contact field trip leaders for more information if needed.
Need more information? Contact us at or call (no text) (601) 909-LETE, (601) 909-5383.
January Saturdays
1/26 (rescheduled from 1/19) Seaman Road Lagoons, Jackson County
Leader: Sharon Milligan (228) 861-1622
One of our most popular field trip venues, not otherwise open to birders – always a great variety of birds, with good opportunities for photos. Bring your binoculars, scope, refreshments, etc.
Place and time: Meet at the park and ride at I-10 exit 50, Ocean Springs next to Denny’s (MAP), between 7:15 and 7:30 AM.
Conditions: Slow driving with stops; some groups will walk a lot. Important: This is a working facility. You must stay with leaders while on site. Call Sharon (above) if you have questions about policy.
1/26 Davis Bayou, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Jackson County
Leader: Janet Wright,, (228) 238-4099
Our Christmas Bird Count team wasn’t able to cover the National Seashore land base because of the Shutdown. Let’s see what they missed! We’ll walk around to trails and waterways and do a little winter botany as we go.
Place and time: Meet at the Boat Launch off Robert McGhee Rd (MAP). 7:30 AM (park in picnic area).
Conditions: Walking on roads and trails.
February Saturdays
2/2 Moses Pier (Jones Park) & Gulfport Beaches, Harrison County
Leader: Lori McDonald, (228) 324-5226
Getting tired of winter? Do some beach dreamin’ before the winter water birds head North. Lori will start the viewing at Moses Pier and may shift along the beach for optimal sightings. Plovers, sandpipers, terns, unusual gulls, and waders all possible, and we’ll be watching for this season’s stars, black scoters.
Place and time: Jones Park Pavilion (MAP) 7:30am
Conditions: easy walk along beach, may drive between sites.
2/9 Sparrow Sweep – Grand Bay NERR, Jackson County
Leader: Mark Woodrey, (228) 697-0460
Henslow’s Sparrows will be our target species, also Swamp, Song, and LeConte’s Sparrows along with Sedge Wrens and other pine savanna birds. Join Grand Bay NERR and MCAS’s Dr. Mark Woodrey and his students for a morning of sparrow searching, trapping, and banding. Learn about the different species of sparrows that winter in south Mississippi. Activities include field observation, pine savanna hiking, and mist netting observations.
Place and time: Meet at the Grand Bay Resources Center (6005 Bayou Heron Road, Moss Point, MS)(MAP) at 9:00 AM. This event will last until about noon. NOTE: Participation will be limited to the first 50 registrants. To register, contact Avery Sward,, (228)-475-7047.
Conditions: Dress for the weather and wear either rubber boots (preferably) or shoes that can get wet. The ground in the savanna is extremely uneven, so watch your footing. Bring your binoculars, birding field guides, water, and bug spray.
SPECIAL BONUS: Bone up on your sparrows & wrens with this preview guide! This field trip is co-sponsored by MCAS and Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
2/16 Devil’s Swamp Wetland Mitigation Bank, Hancock County
Leaders: Robert Smith, (228) 990-0559 and Darrin Harris, Wetlands Solutions
This will be the first time that MCAS has visited this large wetland mitigation bank that includes thousands of acres of restored savannah, cypress-sedge communities, bottomland hardwood, and other habitats. While onsite, we will talk about how wetland mitigation banks work and how they can provide significant ecological benefits besides mitigating wetland loss. We expect to see a diversity of winter sparrows, flycatchers, and hawks as well as shrikes and other birds associated with this habitat. While we don’t expect to see any on this trip, yellow rails have been observed on this site as well.
Place and time: Meet in the parking lot of Mississippi Welcome Center at Interstate 10 Exit 2 (MAP) no later than 7:30am to convoy to the north side of the interstate and access the site.
Special Instructions:
1. Use the restroom at the Welcome Center, as there are NO restrooms on site.
2. Note that this site is not open to the public, and access is through special arrangement.
3. We will mostly be birding from the existing gravel & dirt road network, where culverts have been replaced with low water crossings. If you wish to bring a UTV or some other form of rough-country transportation, feel free. Once we get to the site, we will car pool into as few vehicles as possible.
Conditions: This site is not maintained for general public access. Our access to the site will be determined by rainfall prior to the trip and the types of vehicles available during the trip. Expect slow driving with stops. To stomp around in the savannah for sparrows and other birds, wear field clothes, including waterproof boots. The group will need to stay together.
2/23 Fontainebleau Trail Birds & Botany, Jackson Co.
Leader: Mark LaSalle,, (228) 990-1495
With Master Naturalist trainer Dr. Mark LaSalle, we’ll look for year-round residents and early migrants in pine savanna and bayhead habitat, while identifying wildflowers and leafing trees in full spring glory. The Fontainebleau Trail is part of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge. After no burning for several years the savanna started to fill in, but recent management has opened up more bird habitat. Let’s see how well it’s working!
Place and time: Meet at trailhead on Hanshaw Rd. Ocean Springs, N. of OS Middle School (MAP), 8:00am.
Conditions: Easy 1-mile walking trail. Boots strongly recommended after rain as parts of the trail can have standing water.
March Saturdays
3/2 Clower-Thornton Park, Gulfport, Harrison County
Leader: Nancy Madden (228) 229-7108
Clower-Thornton was the migrant-warbler gem of the coast until Hurricane Katrina laid it low. After a long period of neglect and restoration, Clower-Thornton is once again coming into its own. A variety of semi-wild and urbanized habitats. Nancy is a great guide for birding by ear, so come and hone your listening skills.
Place and time: Meet at the parking lot (MAP) at 7:30am
Conditions: easy walking on paths.
3/9 Triple Barrel (Pascagoula River Marsh), Jackson County
Leader: Abby Darrah,, (479) 445-3488
Join Audubon biologist Dr. Abby Darrah for an exclusive look at an Audubon Coastal Bird Survey site normally closed to the public. Triple Barrel (the site known to our old-time birders as Pascagoula River Marsh) is good for both Passerines and Waterbirds having uplands, freshwater marsh, and brackish water marsh. Knee boots or other footwear you can get wet and/or muddy are recommended.
Place and time: 7:30am till about 11. Meet at the gravel lot on the northeast corner of Jerry St. Pe Hwy and USS Vicksburg Way (Singing River Causeway) MAP.
Conditions: Short but steep path to top of berm, then easy walk on a 1.7 mile level earthen berm.
Note: This site is not open to the public except for this field trip. You MUST REGISTER for this trip beforehand, by filling out a Hold Harmless form for Jackson County Port Authority. Email Abby ( to register.
3/16 Ship Island, Harrison County
Weather update: TRIP CANCELED FOR 3/16 because of high wind, but RESCHEDULED for 3/17 with great conditions! Come if you can on Sunday!
Leader: Libby Graves (228) 860-1966
Join Ship Island Excursions for a trip to the barrier islands! For birds -Piping, Snowy, Wilson’s Plovers are good possibilities; Red Knot and/or one of the rarer gulls not unreasonable. Quirky seasonal weather can give real birding surprises.
Place and time: Meet at Gulfport Harbor around 8:30am Ship Island Excursions dock (MAP) to board the boat which departs at 9am. Ship Island Excursions, Gulfport, MS Ticket prices: Adult $32, Senior $30. for more information.
Conditions: Birding near fort, then walking up to ~5 miles on beach, but participants can opt out or shortcut at any point. Bring water and sunscreen. If there is a threat of bad weather, you can call Ship Island Excursions at 228-864-1014 for the status of the trip that day.
NOTE: Alternate day Sunday, Mar 17, 2019 if cancelled due to weather
3/23 Owling at Ward Bayou, Jackson County
Leader: Mark Woodrey, (228) 697-0460
A new adventure! Join Dr. Mark Woodrey to listen for, call, and see owls in classic river bottomland habitat, and find out what else is active as the sun goes down.
Place and time: Meet at the Shed BBQ restaurant (north at I-10 Exit 57 in Ocean Springs) at 5:30 pm. We will then head to Ward Bayou Wildlife Management Area around sunset. For folks who want to meet at Ward Bayou WMA directly, meet at the WMA check-in station (MAP) at 7:00pm.
Conditions: Bugs are definitely possible. Expect driving and stops, but also some walking in variably wet areas – boots and flashlight recommended. You must have a Wildlife Management Area User permit. Season and day permits are sold at WalMart (see WMA User Permit here, or ask about a day permit or a Senior Exempt License) or online at [the website is confusing, but fill out the application and you’ll get a choice].
3/30 Spence’s Woods, Hancock County
Leader: Jason Pyron, (228) 596-1925.
Spence’s Woods’ basic habitat is bottomland hardwood forest near the Pearl River, bordered by mixed hardwood and cypress swamps. In breeding season watch for Hairy Woodpecker, Eastern Wood-pewee, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Yellow-breasted Chat and Blue Grosbeak. Acadian Flycatcher, Prothonotary Warbler, and Hooded Warbler are common in the wooded swampy areas; watch for Swainson’s Warbler near stands of cane and Yellow-throated Warbler in the mature Bald Cypress. The boat landing is a good scanning spot for Anhinga and Swallow-tailed and Mississippi Kites.
Place and time: Meet at Mississippi Welcome Center (south of Exit 2 on I-10), 7:30am.
Conditions: Easy walking trail.
April Trips (Saturdays except 4/2)
Tue. 4/2 Dauphin Island, Mobile Co., Alabama
Leader: Don McKee (228) 238-2473.
The coast’s premier migrant trap, always a hotspot in spring. Top out your warbler list and take advantage of expert help.
Place and time: Meet at Cadillac Square, 661 Bienville Blvd, Dauphin Island, AL (MAP), 7:30-8:00am.
Conditions: Some walking, lots of observing from fixed points.
4/6 Hiller Park & Biloxi Back Bay area, Harrison Co.
Leader: Dave Reed (985) 788-0536
We will be looking for migrants as well as some possible rarities at several Biloxi area parks. Starting at Hiller Park on Biloxi Back Bay, we will then check Popps Ferry Causeway Park and James Hill Boardwalk. Good way to learn some new birding spots if you don’t know these.
Place and Time: Meet at the Hiller Park Tennis Courts (MAP) at 7:30am.
Conditions: Easy walking, drive between spots.
4/13 Seaman Road Lagoons, Jackson County
Leader: Sharon Milligan (228) 861-1622
A second chance at our most popular field trip venue, not otherwise open to birders – always a great variety of birds, with good opportunities for photos. Bring your binoculars, scope, refreshments, etc. We’ll be coordinating with MCAS’s Birdathon event, so it should be lively!
Place and time: Meet at the Park and Ride at I-10 exit 50, Ocean Springs next to Denny’s (MAP), between 7:15 and 7:30 AM.
Conditions: Slow driving with stops; some groups will walk a lot. Important: This is a working facility. You must stay with leaders while on site. Call Sharon (above) if you have questions about policy.
4/20 Ansley Preserve, Hancock County
Leader: Ned Boyajian (228) 332-1329.
Coastal chenier migrant trap. This site is part of the Mississippi Coastal Birding Trail: more information at
Place and time: Meet at Ansley preserve parking lot (MAP), between 7:15 and 7:30am. (Driving directions: From Hwy 90 in Waveland, south on Lower Bay Road 71/2 miles to Heron Bay Road (34th St). Left onto Heron Bay Road ca. 2 1/2 miles to Preserve).
Conditions: Alternating short walks with short drives. Biting bugs may be present. Most walking areas should be dry.
4/27 Boneyard Lake Rookery (Kayak trip), Jackson Co
TRIP CANCELED due to river flooding
Leader: Larry Dees (228) 235-9764
Boneyard’s haunting beauty hosts a spectacular heronry of Little Blue, Green and Tri-colored Heron, Great, Snowy and Cattle Egret and White Ibis in spring. Other birds that can be expected: Purple and Common Gallinules, nesting warblers, vireos, variety of marsh-oriented birds. By kayaking in, we can get the best views of the nesting rookery. A photographer’s dream.
Place and time: Meet at the Chevron Station in Wade at the corner of Hwy 63 and 614 (MAP) at 5:45am (early hour to give time to launch and see the rookery at its best).
Special instructions: Bring your own kayak or small boat*, life vest, bug repellent, water, snacks, etc. You must also have a Wildlife Management Area User permit. Season and day permits are sold at WalMart (see WMA User Permit here, or ask about a day permit or a Senior Exempt License) or online at [the website is confusing, but fill out the application and you’ll get a choice].
*DON’T HAVE A KAYAK? We are arranging kayak rentals for this unique trip with Eco-Tours of South Mississippi, with delivery and pickup right to the launch site. For details, email, or text (don’t call please) Janet Wright at 228 238-4099. (We need rental commitments by April 20 to seal the deal, so please plan ahead, thanks!)
May Saturdays
5/4 Indian Point RV Resort Bird Photography Outing, Jackson County
Leader: Robert Smith, (228) 990-0559
This is a FULL DAY EXPERIENCE with primary objective to photograph birds under expert guidance. Join Robert Smith ( at Indian Point RV Resort, where photograph opportunities include 2 roomy blinds, many existing natural cavities and bird houses, as well as generally high bird diversity on the site. We expect to photograph many of our resident birds from titmice to egrets as well as some spring migrants. We will start off in the morning in one of the bird blinds, and move around as opportunities arise. Robert will be available to assist attendees and can explain how he approaches bird photography. We may go into the Club House or under the Pavilion in the middle of the day and look at images or listen a presentation on bird photography and go back out in the afternoon.
Place and time: Meet in the Café at Indian Point RV Resort (MAP) at 7:30am to convoy the few hundred yards to the first blind. Robert will be there early to eat a biscuit and drink some coffee so feel free to join him
Special Instructions:
1. For maximum benefit of attendees, attendance is limited to 9 people; pre-registration required (, (228) 990-0559). FEE of $30 (cash on site) covers a box lunch and a contribution to Indian Point’s feeders.
2. Bring the camera gear you would normally use for bird photography. While DSLRs or mirrorless cameras are preferred, point-and-shoots and digiscoping with phones are fine as well. It is suggested that a lens of at least 300 mm equivalent be used if possible. This will be a great opportunity to use a tripod and learn about using flash as well.
Conditions: This site has generally good access, though there may be some walking down hills and through muddy terrain depending on bird locations and weather conditions. Access to the bird blinds will require walking less than 25 yards.
5/11, DeSoto National Forest, Harrison Co.
Leader: Gerry Morgan (228) 239-6787
We’ll be hunting the iconic Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW), along with other nesting birds of what used to be the South’s most widespread habitat, the pine savanna: Pine and Prairie Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak, Brown-headed Nuthatch, flycatchers and the elusive Bachman’s Sparrow. Great chance to learn bird songs!
Place and time: Meet at the park and ride at I-10 exit 50, Ocean Springs next to Denny’s (MAP),, 6:45am (if you are coming from the north, contact Gerry about going directly to the RCW site).
Conditions: Driving on gravel road, with stops and brief walks into habitat.
5/18, Tern Nesting Colonies, Harrison Co.
Leader: Rhonda Plitt (601) 916-2457
Mississippi beaches are primary nesting sites for Least Terns, Black Skimmers, and other coastal birds. We will observe and learn to identify nesting behaviors, nests and eggs of terns and skimmers, and learn what stewards will be doing through the spring and summer to guard nests and chicks at colony sites.
Place and time: Meet at the parking lot at Courthouse Rd and Beach Boulevard in Gulfport (MAP) at 7:00am. We will drive from there to several colonies.
Conditions: Driving, with short walks on beach. Wear sunscreen and bring water. Good opportunity for spotting scopes.