
MCAS members volunteer their time for a wide variety of birding activities. These activities give members an opportunity to support the community and showcase the work of MCAS.  Here are some of the activities in which MCAS members are involved.

Surveys at the Sewage Lagoons

Every week since April, 1993, members of MCAS have conducted weekly bird surveys at the West Jackson County Regional Land Treatment Facility.  The facility, listed as ebird hotspot Seaman Rd Sewage Lagoons, contains a variety of habitats which provides critical habitat for both resident and migrant birds. This long-term record has been entered into eBird, making it one of the longest running surveys in the US. This record provides valuable data to help in documenting the changes in bird population of the Gulf Coast Area.  Read Ned Boyajian’s 25-year summary of these weekly surveys.

In 2001 after 9/11, the treatment plant was closed to general public due to security concerns. To allow the birding community in the area access to the lagoons, Mississippi Coast Audubon Society has made special arrangements to conduct several trips to the facility each year as part of our Field Trip schedule.

Beauvoir Birding Guide

Since June, 2015, members of MCAS have been conducting regular bird surveys at Beauvoir, home of Jefferson Davis and popular tourist attraction on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Representatives of Beauvoir and members of MCAS are working to produce a “Birds of Beauvoir” checklist and book “Birds of Beauvoir.” The book will contain pictures taken by MCAS volunteers. The checklist will be updated annually based on the bird surveys, and the site is being added to the Mississippi Coast Birding Trail.

Support to Pascagoula River Audubon Center and Audubon Mississippi Coastal Bird Stewardship Program

Members of MCAS provide support to the activities of other parts of the Audubon Society.  Members volunteer their time and effort as birding guides at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center in Moss Point.  Members also provide support to the  center.  MCAS members also serve as survey coordinators for the Audubon Mississippi Coastal Bird Stewardship Program and participate as volunteer surveyors.  Least Tern nesting colonies are managed with the help of MCAS members.  Contact msauduboncoastalbirds@gmail.com for more details or to volunteer.

Would You Like to Help With Bird Identification?

Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Centers is heading up a portion of a bird project at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi. They are installing breakwaters, and part of the project involves monitoring bird use along the shoreline and in reference areas on Back Bay.

Leslie Azwell, Associate Wildlife Biologist at MSU, is heading up that effort. Motion-activated cameras are installed around Back Bay, Biloxi, and help will be needed to go through the images and videos captured to identify birds that use the area.

If interested in volunteering, sign up here

MCAS birders at Twelve Oaks on Fort Bayou – photo by Janet Wright